The MacBook Pros recently added Touch Bar went from exciting new feature to barely-talked-about within a matter of days. BetterTouchTool for Mac allows users to customize the trackpad operation for their whole system or individual applications. Mac Power Users #667: Revisiting Apple Reminders & Notes - Relay FM Direct Link to Legacy Build of Evernote (.zip) Bending Spoons acquires Evernote, marking the end of an era | TechCrunch Mac Power Users #673: Apple's New Freeform App - Relay FM Google Jamboard Explain Everything Miro Focused - Relay FM Opal Camera CORSAIR to Acquire Elgato Gaming – Elgato “Sidekick Notepad” graphic notepad by Cortex Podcast Day One Journal App Mac Power Users #681: Cloudy with a Chance of Beachballs - Relay FM Amazon. BetterTouchTool turns it into hard-working assistant that with a tap or a gesture you can have launch apps, change brightness, swap Spaces and make windows snap to the sides of your screen. Sign up for the MPU email newsletter and join the MPU forums.